FSSAI Advances ‘One Nation, One Regulator’ Concept with Streamlined Food Safety Regulations

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is set to overhaul food safety and standards regulations in the country to streamline compliance in the food industry. The significant proposal was discussed during the 43rd meeting of the FSSAI, led by Union Health Secretary, Ms. Apurva Chandra. This move aligns with the vision of creating a ‘One Nation, One Commodity, One Regulator’ framework, aiming to simplify regulatory processes for businesses operating in the food sector.

One of the key changes proposed by the FSSAI is making its certification the sole mandatory requirement for food products across India. This means that food businesses will no longer need additional certifications from other entities such as the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) or AGMARK. This simplification of the certification process is expected to reduce regulatory complexities for food enterprises, allowing them to adhere to standards set by a single authority, namely the FSSAI.

The move is significant as it streamlines compliance procedures, making it more straightforward for businesses to operate in the food industry. The FSSAI aims to create a more efficient and transparent regulatory environment by eliminating the need for multiple certifications from different bodies, providing a single point of reference for compliance.

Additionally, the FSSAI approved various standards and amendments during the meeting. These included standards for mead (Honey wine), alcoholic ready-to-drink beverages, milk fat products, and guidelines for haleem, a traditional dish. These regulatory changes underscore the FSSAI’s commitment to maintaining high standards of food safety across diverse food products.

To ensure regulatory compliance, the FSSAI also greenlit comprehensive manuals detailing methods of analysis for different food products. These manuals are intended to serve as essential guides for businesses striving to meet FSSAI standards. However, before the proposed changes are formalized and included in the official gazette, they are subject to input and feedback from stakeholders.

The FSSAI’s strategic approach reflects its commitment to transparency and engaging stakeholders in shaping the evolution of food safety regulations. If successfully implemented, these proposed changes have the potential to create a more efficient and business-friendly regulatory environment within India’s food industry, aligning with global best practices.