India’s premier & pioneer association of food processors by the food processors and for the food processors

Tariff for Advertisement in AIFPA Monthly E-Newsletter ‘Food Pro’

AIFPA brings out a Monthly E-Newsletter ‘Food Pro’ to provide information about current industry happenings, Govt. policy & schemes, events, new technology/product developments, regulatory matters, exports, global news, expositions, company news etc. in the food processing sector. The Newsletter is widely circulated free of cost to all related segments throughout the country, as well as to Foreign Embassies, Indian Missions Abroad, International Chambers and Institutions. Your advertisement in the Newsletter will give you very high wide-angle visibility. All advertisements are in color as per details below.

CATEGORY Domestic Rate (Rs.) Intl. Rate (USD) SIZE
Full Page Rs. 9,500/- 125 24 cm H x 17 cm W
Half Page Rs. 5,000/- 70 12 cm H x 17 cm W
Quarter Page Rs. 3,000/- 40 12 cm H x 8.5 cm W
Horizontal Page Rs. 3,000/- 40 6 cm H x 17 cm W
First Page Strip Rs. 4,000/- 50 6 cm H x 17 cm W
5% GST and any other tax is extra as applicable)

Payment can be made by Cheque/DD payable at New Delhi or by Bank Transfer as per details given below.

Name of the Organization All India Food Processors’ Association
Account No. 408329216
Name of the Bank Indian Bank
Branch & Address Hauz Khas Branch, 106-107, Aurobindo
Place, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Type of Account Current Account
IFSC Code IDIB000H019

NOTE: Special Discount will be provided as below.

  • 10% Discount for AIFPA Members
  • 10% Discount for Startups
  • 20% Discount for Booking Insertions for 12 Monthly Issues together.