India’s premier & pioneer association of food processors by the food processors and for the food processors

Instructions to Authors For Publishing Articles In Indian Food Packers


  1. Manuscripts:- Manuscripts of papers (in duplicate) should be typewritten in double space on one side of bond paper. They should be complete and in final form. The paper should not have been published or communicated for publication anywhere else. The typed or computer print should be bold; dark and easily readable. Soft copy should also be sent.
  2. The typescripts should be arranged in the following order: Title (to be typed in bold capitals), Authors names (in Upper/Lower bold type) and the Institutions name and its address (in italics/ordinary).
  3. ABSTRACT:- The abstract to be given in the beginning should indicate the principal findings of the paper and typed in single space in upper/lower bold letters. It should not be more than 200 words and should be in such a form that abstracting periodicals can readily use it.
  4. Use names of chemical compounds and not their formulae in the text. Methods of sampling, number of replications and relevant statistical analysis should be indicated. Footnotes especially for text should be avoided as far as possible.
  5. Tables:- Tables as well as graphs, both representing the same set of data, should be avoided. Tables should be short and typed on separate sheets. Nil results should be indicated as such and distinguished clearly from absence of data, which is indicated by sign.
  6. Illustration:- Graphs and other line drawings should always be drawn in Indian ink on tracing paper or white drawing paper, preferably art paper, not bigger than 20cm (OY axis) x 16 cm (OX axis). The lettering should be twice the size of the printed letter. Photographs must be on glossy papers with proper caption and must have good contrast; two copies should be sent.
  7. REFERENCES:- Names of all the authors followed by the year of publication in brackets and the title of the paper should be cited. Abbreviations such as et. al., idem should be avoided. References should be serially numbered, as superscripts while being cited in the text and the same order should be maintained in the reference list. The titles of all scientific periodicals should be abbreviated in conformity with the World list of scientific periodicals, Butterworths Scientific Publication, London, 1962.

      List of References should be given exactly as given below with proper attention to punctuation and the journals name in italics/ordinary.

    • (a) Research Paper: Sethi V and Anand JC (1982). Keeping quality of whole tomato concentrate Ind. Fd. Packer 35(6), 66.
    • (b) Books: Cruess WV (1958). Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Products, McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc., New York.
    • (c) References to article in a book: Hodge JE (1967). Origin of Flavour in Foods-Non-enzymatic browning reactions in The Chemistry and Physiology of Flavours by Scheetz HW, Day EA and Libbery LM, Pub. Co., Inc. Wesport Connecticut pp. 465.
    • (d) Proceedings, Conferences and Symposia Papers: Nambudiri ES and Lewis YS, Cocoa in confectionery, Proceedings of the Symposium on the Status and Prospects of the Confectionery Industry in India, Mysore, May 1979, 27.
    • (e) Thesis: Sathyanarayan Y, Phytosociological Studies on the calcicolous plants of Bombay, 1953, Ph.D. Thesis, Bombay University.
    • (f) Unpublished Work: Roy SK, unpublished, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.